Home:ALL Converter>PHP Cache Security: File caching vs memory caching

PHP Cache Security: File caching vs memory caching

Ask Time:2012-06-22T04:22:31         Author:David Cheung

Json Formatter

Are there any relevant security issues in using a file cache (i.e. PEAR Cache_Lite) to hold data (serialized arrays, objects) in PHP? Is a data cache more secure in memory, i.e. using memcache or APC?

Author:David Cheung,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11146139/php-cache-security-file-caching-vs-memory-caching
Evert :

Since you mentioned: Security from hackers, the answer would be no..\n\nIf somebody is able to access your filesystem or system in general, they will have access to pretty much everything, including your mysql data.\n\nWhen it comes to caching, the main extra worry you have is if you are sharing the server with other people.\n\nIf you are using memcache, you do want to make absolutely sure that nobody can access the memcache server from outside. Do you have a firewall? Do you only keep the ports open that you must?\n\nIf the answer to those is yes, then your biggest security problem is your own application.",